Tamako Market : Episode 12 (Final)

It was 2:15 am when I finally had time to watch the last episode of Tamako Market. =.= Although my eyes look worse than L’s, I will try to do this review as best as I can ! Oh! And for those of you who haven’t watched the last episode of Tamako Market yet, beware! There are spoilers in this post so don’t say I didn’t warn you!~ >O</ (And my spell check and grammar are probably going to be horrible as I don’t have the energy to double check it.)




Yup end. After 12 episode of Kyoto Animation’s slice of life series, Tamako Market has come to an end. To my personal opinion, I thought the ending was a bit weak and just didn’t have me satisfied as I would have liked it to. Strangely though, I was guessing that this is what was going to happen. The episode instantly starts off with the Prince giving Tamako her lost medallion-coupon thingy. Tamako is then seen to be confused of what to do until Dera asked her straightforwardly what she thinks of marrying the prince. After a long explanation of a short story on her market’s citizens,Tamako finally confronts her true feelings.Once Tamako tells the prince and the market townsfolks that she doens’t want to marry Mr.Ouji here, the prince, and his Angelina Jolie lips bodygaurds make their way back home. I mean just like that! Talk about a fast rejection and acceptance scenario! Dang you Kyoto Animations! (count 1)

There was also a scene where Tamako runs throughout the Market and sees that her neighbors have disappeared. (They were at the Bath House with the Prince and Choi-chan) Tamako remembers that the only time an incident like this has happened was when her mother passes away. For that moment alone, I thought, was one of the best scenes in the episode. Seeing Tamako, a cute, bubbly and optimistic girl lose character at a past memory made my heart clench. I could almost feel Tamako’s pain. With the scene, it also made me have some hope that KyoAni. may open Tamako Market up for another season, although I highly doubt it, a girl can dream can’t she??But as you can guess, the anime then ends within 5 minutes. Noooooo!! I wanted to learn more about Tamako’s past! Dang you Kyoto Animations! T__T (count 2)

As for having a romantic ending….well, Mochizou finally brought of the courage to….give Tamako a birthday present! (you thought I was going to say confess didn’t cha??) Yup, that was all. It ended with just that. *sigh* Although I did somehow know that Kyoto Animations loves to leave their fan clubs dangling, I was really hoping for at least SOMETHING to be concluded between Tamako and Mochizou. Dang you Kyoto Animations! >___</ (count 3)


As for Choi-chan and the prince, it is seen that Choi-chan could actually be the bride candidate, as she was seen reaching for her necklace indicating that she was trying to hide the mark by wearing one in the first place. But as for this couple, nada. (count 4)


Dera and Shiori? Not a chance. (count 5)

Overall, although the ending didn’t quite make me happy and it pained me to see that neither one of the couples having a had a conclusive ending (Bah! I was probably wishing for too much but still….), Tamako Market will always remain as a subtle, “chill” feeling anime that I can always hope to come back to watch because of it’s amazing animation and sugary characters that make you just want to plunge right in and hug to death. Image

And with that, I’m off to bed!! XD I can’t even write a good conclusion…I’ll just leave Mochizou ‘s zoned out face, as I believe this is what I look right now!!


And until my next anime review…….Nyaaaaaaa…..no energy….\( ̄□ ̄)\